Saturday, January 03, 2015

So.......... I am BACK!!!

Been gone a loooooooong time.... So much has happened.... kids getting married, divorced, having babies..... you know..Life :) I am ready to get back to doing the stuff I love. I hope blogging becomes an integral part of that.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hot and Heated

Been a pretty hot summer and with various health issues, I haven't been able to fully enjoy the outdoors. I have so many projects that I am in mid stream on~ I see a break coming in the next week so hitting the outdoors will be at the top of the list. You know - maintenance and perhaps lay groundwork for next spring. Sheesh did I just say next spring? On the brighter side I am anxious for yet another opportunity to spend time with my grandson Calvin while his mommy and daddy have some fun time out and about! He is about the cutest thing EVER! Gotta get back to finish the scrapbbook for Nikki and see if I have everything for the cupcakes for the party in a week! Woo Hoo I wish I could do parties all the time!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My secret

I am not going to lie. I am just a little freaked out. There is something going on inside me and the not knowing is scary. I keep praying asking God to take away my fear and I keep taking the fear back. It is probably nothing but then again...... I have no real family history of issues with cancer but that is not the only factor. Sometimes things just go wrong. I know that God does not allow anything in our lives that He will not be there to help us through. I know His grace is sufficient for me. I know that I will spend eternity in His presence. Yet I am a human being and sometimes I just am scared. I have so much to do and be yet in this world! I am thankful that my dr is being pretty aggressive with running tests. I am super emotional right now and feel the need to cry.. Cry for joy, cry for sorrow... cry for help. Thank you Jesus for my husband, my children and for being the Lord of my life. Amen.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Calvin-A-Day: Playing Catch-up

Calvin-A-Day: Playing Catch-up: "Welcome to my son's life! I am not a photographer by any means, so this blog is just a place to keep pictures of my little man as he grows u..."

Monday, January 24, 2011

A turn in the road

Another turn in the road..... we are now officially "empty-nesters". After raising 14 or so children we are just "US". Redefining ones self is a daunting process. More time to focus on what I like to do is definitely one of the benefits. Its the switching gears from hands on parenting to "hands off" parenting that seems to be the biggest challenge. I need some time to heal from the wounds of being treated so very badly and then I will see where it goes....... It's kinda like being 18...... I can be anybody I want...... what do I want to be??

Monday, January 17, 2011


We celebrated my in-laws 60th wedding anniversary with going out to dinner tonight. I was so awe-inspiring to see someone married for that long! They are truly a wonderful couple. We went to the BoatHouse restaurant and enjoyed good food, good conversation and great company. Only 5 more days and we leave for our cruise! Yee Haw!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Craft projects

I am busy working on several craft projects! Some are going well, others I have reached a stumbling block! Fortunately I am going to get a break after this week and perhaps that will rejuvenate me!! Bahama's here I come!